What Is Biometric Authentication? Types & Example

Biometric identity proves is a cybersecurity procedure that compares and approves the identity of a user based on their physiological characteristics including fingerprints, voice, retina and face among others. This information is stored in biometric authentication systems in a way that when a particular user tries to use their account, his or her identity is confirmed.

Among various methods, the technique of biometric identification ranked as an effective means in the modern world that is famous for the fast-growing rate of cyber threat development. Biometric authentication is more secure than the method that uses passwords and PIN numbers, since the system utilizes physical features of the persona to authenticate them. In this blog, we take you through a comprehensive guide of what biometric authentication is, different types of biometric authentication, real-life usage of biometric authentication, and what does the future hold of biometric authentication.

Understanding Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is a security process that uses physical and behavioral characteristics that are inherent of a person to confirm his or her identity. These traits are categorized into two main types: it involves physiological aspects; for instance, fingerprints, face structure, voice and typing rhythm belonging to the same behavioral aspects. Through identification of these traits, the biometric systems are very effective in establishing the identity of an individual as the one he or she claims to be.

Types of Biometric Authentication

Fingerprint Recognition

Biometric authentication can be defined as the use of biological characteristics of an individual for the identification of the same. It entails identification of the friction ridges and their minutiae present on the fingertip of a person. Fingerprint recognition is used in many devices; mainly in smartphones, access control systems, and in investigations due to high accuracy and simple procedure.

Facial Recognition

Biometrics technology includes aspects like the features of the face including the distance between the eyes, the nose and the mouth. It has recently obtained widespread popularity; application to smartphones and public security system is a vivid example. Friction or contact does not occur here, and facial recognition tends to be fast and easy to use.What Is Biometric Authentication? Types & Example

Iris Recognition

The technique popularized by Canada’s national identity measure entails photoscanning the intricate and complex patterns in the colored iris part of the eye.

This modality is highly accurate and thus mainly deployed in high-security settings such as government or banking. It is also used in smartphones to enhance security of the gadgets.

Voice Recognition

Voice recognition technology incorporates ontological elements of the distinctive features of the person’s voice, including the pitch, the tone, and the manner of speaking. Lately, it is employed in call centers, smart home devices, and banking solutions to increase protection against identity forgery and improve users’ experience.

Behavioral Biometrics

Behavioural biometrics looks at the manner in which a person works on a device; this includes use of keyboard, mouse movement, taps on a screen, etc. This new concept is useful for making monitors provide users’ continuous guarantees of authentication, in such a way that it is hard for impersonators and ‘’chimpanzees’’ to imitate clients in the long run.

Real-World Examples of Biometric Authentication

Smartphones and Wearables

Smartphones of today and wearable devices frequently have several biometric authentication tools including fingerprints, facial, and voice recognition. These features make security an added advantage with a friendly face to the user.

Banking and Finance

Today’s Financial institutions are incorporating biometrics authentication as a common means of securing transactions and also as a way of shielding customers’ information. For example, most banks have integrated voice commands for the telephone banking and fingerprints for the mobile banking applications.


In the healthcare industry, biometric authentication secure the patient details and it also provides restriction to specific details for certain personnel. Since fingerprint/iris recognition is an accurate method of identifying patients/employees, hospitals/clinics have started to incorporate the said technology to improve security and efficiency.

Police and Border securityReal-World Examples of Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication as a means to meet the requirements for the identification of individuals and combating identity fraud is widely used in the same sphere by the police. Biometric technology when applied in airports and border control helps in the identification of people and increases security.

Workplace Security

Access control is one of the most common applications of biometrics to restrict who could enter certain physical facilities and virtual spaces in an organization. For the physical option, fingerprints, face or voice are used more frequently as methods for obtaining access codes. These technologies ensure that only authorized employees can access specific areas or documents.

Future of Biometric Authentication

Thus, this report anticipates that in 2024 biometric authentication will be ready to dramatically transform the context of digital security. Technological advancements indicate that there is a paradigm shift in how people will interface with such devices and systems to achieve ease and highest level of security at the same time. For example, biometrics soon will allow facial recognition systems to immediately recognise the user and advanced voice identification dynamically adapts to person’s individually specific peculiarities.

These systems use artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts to improve over time, becoming more accurate and reliable as they learn from their experiences.

The positive trends observed in the activities of industries that go beyond the traditional use of biometrics as a tool for identification, such as healthcare, finance, and intelligent cities with the use of the specified biometric authentication in 2024 look very bright and full of new opportunities.Future of Biometric Authentication



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