Keyword Analysis.

How to identify competitor Keywords?

Confused why your competitors rank higher than you?
It can just be as easy as choosing the right keywords to target as the key to your competitors’ SEO success.
These keywords could be beneficial to you as well, given that they are working effectively for your closest competitors.
In order to help you direct your own SEO approach and possibly exceed your rivals in SERPS, we’ll look at the most efficient and easy techniques for finding competitors’ keywords in this post.

Tools for Tracking Down Keywords:

1: SE Ranking.

All-in-one SEO tool SE Ranking offers solid statistics, a large feature set, and excellent value for the money. There are premium and free versions of it accessible, each with different advantages.



Large Database:

With its extensive database, SE Ranking guarantees that you may access a broad Variety of keywords. You can find terms in this vast database that you may not have thought of, which will help you reach a wider audience.

SE Ranking.

Reliable Data:

The tool offers current, accurate information that is necessary to make well-informed decisions. Because the data is reliable, you can be sure that your SEO techniques are well-founded and that you are not utilizing inaccurate or out-of-date information.

Wide Range of Features:

SE Ranking includes all aspects of SEO, including website audits, backlink analysis, and keyword research. You can simplify your SEO efforts and save time by using an all-in-one platform instead of multiple solutions.

Great Value for Money:

The Search Engine Ranking is reasonably priced given the variety of functions it provides when compared to other tools. Businesses of all sizes can use it because of its cost, which offers strong SEO capabilities without breaking the bank.


Costly Plans for Certain Features:

Certain advanced features are restricted to more expensive plans, which may be unaffordable for freelancers or small enterprises. For people on a limited budget who still require access to premium features, this could be a hurdle.

Costly Plans

Data Limited to Google:

The tool may not be appropriate if you require information from other search engines because it primarily concentrates on Google. If you are targeting a global market with a wide range of search engine preferences, or if your audience uses alternative search engines, this limitation may be a disadvantage.

How to Use SE Ranking Tool:

Sign Up and Set Up:

Create an account and set up your project by entering your website and target keywords. This initial setup allows the tool to start gathering data specific to your needs.

How to Use SE Ranking Tool:

Keyword Research:

Use the keyword research feature to find high-performing keywords relevant to your niche. Enter your primary keywords and explore related terms, search volume, and competition levels.

Competitor Analysis:

Analyze your competitors to see which keywords they are ranking for and incorporate them into your strategy. This feature helps you identify opportunities and threats in your market, enabling you to adjust your tactics accordingly.

Monitor Rankings:

Keep track of your keyword rankings and adjust your strategy as needed to improve your positions. Regular monitoring allows you to respond quickly to changes in search engine algorithms or market conditions.
Let’s talk about another platform which will be very helpful for finding low competition and high search volume keywords.

Google Keyword Planner:

Google Keyword Planner is another powerful tool, especially for those looking to enhance their visibility and ranking by adapting to market trends.

Google Keyword Planner


Free to Use:

As a part of Google Ads, this tool is free to use. It provides an excellent starting point for businesses on a budget who need keyword insights without incurring additional costs.

Adapt to Market Trends:

It provides insights into current market trends, helping you stay ahead of the competition. By understanding what consumers are searching for, you can tailor your content to meet their needs more effectively.

Enhance Visibility and Ranking:

By suggesting relevant keywords, it helps improve your search engine rankings. The tool’s integration with Google Ads also allows for seamless transition from keyword research to paid advertising campaigns.


Limited Features:

Compared to other paid tools, Google Keyword Planner has fewer features. While it offers solid keyword data, it lacks the comprehensive suite of functionalities found in more robust SEO tools.

Data Limited to Google Only:

The insights are restricted to Google, limiting the scope of analysis. This focus can be a disadvantage if your audience uses other search engines, as it might miss critical keyword opportunities outside of Google.

How to Use Google Keyword Planner:

Access Through Google Ads:

Log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to the Keyword Planner. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one, which is a straightforward process.

Google Ads

Find New Keywords:

Use the tool to discover new keywords by entering words or phrases related to your business. This feature provides keyword suggestions along with search volumes and competition levels.

discover new keywords

Get Search Volume and Predictions:

Learn how frequently keywords are searched for and obtain performance predictions for the future. You can use this data to rank keywords according to their potential traffic and business relevance.

Make a plan for your approach:

Make excellent use of this data while planning your advertising and content strategies. To increase your exposure and reach, use high-performing keywords into the content of your blog posts, advertisements, and websites.

Benefits of Competitor Keyword Analysis:

Analyzing your competitors’ keywords can provide numerous benefits and this can be very helpful for your growt in the digital world.

Find Gaps:

To close these gaps, find the keywords that competitors are ranking for but you are not. This knowledge enables you to grow your keyword portfolio and take advantage of lost possibilities.

Understand Methods:

Learn about the SEO methods and strategies used by competitors. You are able to comprehend what is effective in your business and make necessary adjustments by examining their keyword selections and content techniques.

Maintain Your Competitiveness:

Maintain an edge over others by keeping an eye on market developments and making necessary adjustments. You can react actively by staying updated about changes in rival moves and keyword trends with regular competition analysis.

Enhance Content:

Improve your content by incorporating high-performing keywords used by your competitors. This approach not only boosts your SEO efforts but also ensures your content is relevant and engaging for your audience.


An effective SEO campaign requires knowing your competitors’ tactics and selecting the appropriate keywords. You may optimize your website and raise your ranks with the aid of tools like SE Ranking and Google Keyword Planner, which offer insightful data and insights.

You can remain on top of industry developments, improve your visibility, and rank higher in search engine results by using these tools and routinely researching your rivals.

The secret is to use the data wisely to inform your SEO strategy, regardless of whether you go for a more expensive platform like SE Ranking or a free tool like Google Keyword Planner.

The foundation of a strong SEO strategy that can adjust to changing market conditions and provide consistent results is consistent, well-informed keyword research and competitive analysis.


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2 thoughts on “How to identify competitor Keywords?

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