how to create a website for free

How to Create a Website for Free


Welcome to our blog where we’ll show you how to make your own website without spending any money. By the time you finish reading, you’ll have a website that anyone can visit online. We’ll also teach you how to design your website easily by dragging and dropping elements. Consequently, to learn everything, continue reading to the end.

Launching Your Website

The first part of creating a website is to launch it. This involves three steps:

Launching Your Website in steps

Step 1: Create an Account in Profreehost

To create an account, visit and click on “register now”. Fill in the required details and click on the registration button to successfully create your account.

Step 2: Get Your Free Domain

A domain is the name of your website, such as To get your free domain, click on “create new” and enter the desired name for your website. You will receive a domain address which your visitors need to enter to reach your site.

Step 3: Install WordPress on Your Domain

WordPress is a platform that allows you to create websites easily without any coding or programming. To install WordPress, log in to your account, scroll down and under software, select “apps installer”. Install WordPress by entering a username and password for your website. Once installed, your website will be live on the internet.

Building Your Website

Now that your website is launched, it’s time to start building it. Follow these three steps:

Building Your Website

Step 1: Login to Your Website

To login to your website, type “/wp-admin” after your site’s address. Enter the login details you created for your WordPress website to access the WordPress dashboard, where you can control your website.

Step 2: Choose a Design for Your Website

Instead of building your website from scratch, you can choose a design and edit it to make it your own. Install the “Astra” theme in WordPress to access different website designs. Select the design you like and import it into your site using Elementor.

Step 3: Edit the Contents of Your Website

To edit any page of your site, go to that page and click on “Edit with Elementor”. You can change the text, images, and other elements of your website by selecting them and making the desired modifications. Once you’re done, click on “Update” to save the changes.

Adding New Pages and Customizing Your Website

If you want to add a new page to your website, go to “New” and click on “Page”. Enter a title for the page and start creating it using Elementor’s drag and drop functionality. You can either use the available elements or templates to design your page.

To customize the header area of your website, go to the “Customize” option in WordPress. From there, you can change the logo and menu section of your header.

Getting a .com Domain

If you want a more professional domain name like “”, you can purchase a .com domain from GoDaddy. Enter your desired domain name in the search bar and follow the steps to purchase it. Once you have the .com domain, you can move your website to it.

Moving Your Website to Your .com Domain

To move your website to your .com domain, follow these three steps:

Moving Your Website to Your .com Domain

Step 1: Add Your Domain on ProFreeHost

To start, log into your ProFreeHost account. Look for the “Domains” section and click on “Parked Domain.” There, you can type in your new domain name. This step helps link your domain with ProFreeHost.

Step 2: Put Your Domain Details on GoDaddy

Now, head to your GoDaddy account. Find “DNS” and input the details given by ProFreeHost. This links your domain with GoDaddy and ProFreeHost, making everything work together smoothly.

Step 3: Use Your Domain in WordPress

Go back to your WordPress dashboard. Click on “Settings” and then “General.” Replace the temporary domain with your new .com one. This makes sure your website shows up correctly when people visit. Just save your changes, and you’re all set to shine online!


Congratulations! Your free website has been successfully created.

That means anyone can now visit your site using the domain address you got. But don’t stop there! Make your website special by adding your own content to it. This will make it interesting and fun for your visitors.

Thanks for reading our blog! We hope it helped you learn how to create your own website. If you have any questions, check out our other videos and tutorials on

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