Beginner's Guide link building

What Is Link Building in SEO?

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, the importance of link building is undeniable, especially in highly competitive industries where attracting organic traffic is crucial. When seamlessly integrated with robust technical SEO frameworks, impeccable on-page optimization, captivating content, and a seamless user experience, link building emerges as a potent catalyst for amplifying organic traffic flow.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of today, there’s an unmistakable focus on top-notch quality, utmost relevance, and unwavering authenticity. ​While it’s true that underhanded, spam-driven link building tactics may yield short-term gains, they have no place in the strategic blueprint of organizations committed to fostering enduring success in organic search.

Increasingly, link building is evolving into an art form closely resembling sophisticated marketing endeavors. The organizations attuned to this paradigm shift are invariably the ones that emerge victorious in the long run. However, this isn’t to suggest that link building is devoid of technical intricacies or that all strategies must pivot around product-centric approaches. On the contrary, the landscape is multifaceted, with nuances aplenty, demanding a deeper level of comprehension than ever before.

Welcome to our quick-start guide, crafted to swiftly propel you in the right direction. While the journey ahead may seem daunting, fear not! We’ve meticulously divided the information into bite-sized chapters, peppered with abundant examples to illuminate your path.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the Beginner’s Guide to Link Building and embark on a journey of discovery!


PADDY MOOGAN Paddy is the co-founder of Aira, a dynamic digital marketing agency nestled in the heart of the UK. At Aira, we specialize in elevating businesses through a comprehensive suite of services including top-notch SEO strategies, compelling paid media campaigns, captivating content marketing solutions, and impactful digital PR initiatives. Our reach extends far and wide, catering to enterprises not only in the UK but also spanning across the vibrant landscapes of the US and Europe. With Paddy at the helm, Aira is your ultimate partner in achieving unparalleled digital success.

The definition of link building:

Link building is all about acquiring those precious hyperlinks from other websites that point directly to your own digital domain. These hyperlinks, often referred to simply as links, serve as virtual bridges allowing users to seamlessly navigate the vast expanse of the internet. Search engines, the gatekeepers of online knowledge, rely heavily on these links to traverse the web and index its vast content. They meticulously follow these links, not only within the confines of individual web pages but also across entire online domains.

link building

Not every hyperlink originates from intentional efforts by SEO professionals or marketers. Many links are naturally formed, whether it’s a journalist referencing a source in a news story or a passionate blogger sharing a favorite purchase from an online retailer.

Gaining organic links is the ultimate goal in SEO. It’s a pursuit worth investing in over time. This involves making your website worthy of being linked to, whether through exceptional products or services, or by creating compelling content that other websites find valuable enough to reference.

In addition to this gradual approach, various link building strategies can be employed to enhance your authority and improve your chances of ranking well in organic search results, thus driving more traffic to your website.


“A significant portion of our link building strategy revolves around content creation. Our approach encompasses a diverse range of formats, including expansive interactive campaigns such as indexes, calculators, and tools, as well as more traditional static campaigns characterized by report-style presentations complemented by compelling graphics and on-page copy. Additionally, we capitalize on quick-turnaround pieces and brain-teasing content to effortlessly secure valuable links back to our home or category pages with just a well-crafted pitch email.”

The anatomy of a hyperlink:

To grasp the significance of link building, we must first comprehend the fundamentals of crafting a link, how search engines perceive these connections, and the insights they draw from them.

anatomy of a hyperlink

  1. Start of link tag: Introducing the anchor tag, often referred to as “a”. This initiates the link tag, signaling to both browsers and search engines that an imminent connection to another resource is on the horizon. Get ready to enhance your website’s connectivity with this fundamental element.
  2. Link referral location: The term “href” is short for “hyperlink referral,” with the quoted text specifying the destination URL for the link. This URL isn’t limited to web pages; it could point to various resources like images or downloadable files. Sometimes, instead of a URL, you might encounter a link starting with a # sign. These links direct you to particular sections within the URL.
  3. Visible/anchor text of link: The text you encounter on a page, prompting you to click for more, is typically styled to grab attention. It might appear in blue color and/or underlined, making it distinct from the surrounding text. This signals to users that it’s a clickable link, inviting exploration.
  4. Closure of link tag: This marks the conclusion of the link tag’s interaction with search engines.

What links mean for search engines:

Search engines utilize links in two primary ways:

  1. Exploration: They employ links to find new web pages, subsequently incorporating them into their search listings.
  2. Ranking Assessment: Links also play a crucial role in evaluating the relevance and authority of a page, influencing its position in search results.
    Search engines utilize links in two primary ways

After web pages are scanned by search engines, they extract the content and include it in their databases. This process enables them to evaluate whether a page meets the criteria for ranking well in search results for relevant keywords. While assessing a page’s quality, search engines not only analyze its content but also consider the quantity and caliber of inbound links from external sources. Generally, the greater the number of reputable websites linking to a page, the higher its chances of achieving a favorable position in search rankings.


The significance of links as a ranking determinant was instrumental in Google’s rise to prominence in the late 1990s. Larry Page, one of Google’s co-founders, introduced PageRank, a metric that assessed a page’s quality based partly on its inbound link count. This metric was integrated into Google’s overarching ranking algorithm, emerging as a potent signal owing to its effectiveness in gauging page quality. Google’s adoption of this approach resulted in the delivery of more relevant and valuable search results compared to its competitors at the time.

The effectiveness of this approach lies in the concept that a link serves as an endorsement for a webpage. In essence, if a page garners links, it’s deemed deserving. The underlying theory suggests that when one website links to another, it’s essentially vouching for its quality. Just as you wouldn’t recommend a subpar restaurant to a friend, websites wouldn’t link to inferior resources.

However, SEO specialists quickly learned to exploit PageRank and influence search results for specific keywords. During this period, although Google boasted superior technology compared to other search engines, it remained susceptible to manipulation. This was primarily due to its inability to differentiate between high-quality and low-quality links.What links mean for search engines

Google initiated proactive measures to identify websites engaging in search result manipulation through the creation of low-quality links. They introduced regular updates designed to filter out websites that lacked merit in their ranking, primarily due to the presence of poor-quality links.

This shift in approach has prompted Google to devalue several link-building techniques that were once effective. One such example is the practice of submitting websites to web directories in exchange for links. While Google initially endorsed this strategy, it was later exploited and excessively employed by SEO practitioners. Consequently, Google reduced the significance of such links, recognizing the need to maintain the integrity of its search results.

Over time, Google has actively penalized websites employing excessive techniques in their link building efforts, often termed as over-optimization. This enforcement intensified notably in 2012 with the inception of the Penguin updates, marking a significant shift in link building strategies. These updates pinpointed specific link building methods, reshaping the landscape of link building practices indefinitely. Subsequently, employing low-quality link building tactics not only proved futile but also posed a considerable risk to a website’s search engine ranking. Hence, it’s imperative to comprehend Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and devise strategies that adhere to them to avoid detrimental consequences.

While the intricacies of Google’s search algorithm remain undisclosed — kept as the company’s “secret sauce” — recent studies and the consensus within the SEO community underscore the enduring significance of links within this algorithm.

It’s widely acknowledged that in the realm of SEO, the quantity and caliber of links directing to a webpage play a pivotal role in determining its ranking. Presently, it’s undeniable that acquiring high-quality links for your website can significantly enhance your ranking and drive more traffic. However, defining what constitutes a “high-quality” link is crucial (we’ll delve deeper into this shortly). The emphasis on quality is paramount, especially as search engines like Google continue to refine their algorithms to weed out low-quality links. This shift directly impacts SEO strategies, necessitating a focus on link building tactics that prioritize quality above all else.

Maximizing Business Growth: The Comprehensive Benefits of Link Building

Link building isn’t just about boosting your website’s rankings and attracting organic traffic; it offers a multitude of other advantages that can significantly enhance your business.

It’s important to recognize that links often occur naturally as a byproduct of various activities, even when the primary focus isn’t on acquiring links. For instance, launching a groundbreaking new product or creating exceptional industry-leading content can naturally attract numerous links to your website.

How else can link building benefit my business?

These endeavors, whether developing innovative products or crafting top-tier content, aren’t pursued with the sole intention of building links. However, the acquisition of links naturally follows from these initiatives.

Therefore, it’s crucial to view link building not as an isolated endeavor but rather as an integral component that intersects with various facets of your organization, offering benefits that extend far beyond merely acquiring links.

1. Building relationships:

Building links is a crucial aspect of expanding your online presence. It involves reaching out to relevant websites and blogs within your industry. This outreach aims to promote your latest creations, whether it’s a compelling piece of content or an eye-catching infographic or articles. While obtaining links is a primary objective, outreach offers more than mere backlinks. It facilitates the establishment of enduring connections with key influencers in your field. Building relationshipsThese relationships contribute to enhancing the reputation and credibility of your business. Cultivating genuine advocates and evangelists for your brand holds immense value beyond link acquisition. Sometimes, your efforts in outreach may even lead to writers or journalists reaching out to you for collaboration or assistance, reversing the traditional outreach dynamic.

2. Sending referral traffic:

Let’s discuss not only how links affect your rankings but also their impact on referral traffic. A quality link from a popular website can significantly boost your website’s traffic. Moreover, if it’s from a relevant site, the traffic it brings is likely to be interested in your offerings, potentially leading to increased leads or sales.

Beyond just enhancing SEO, the significance of such links lies in attracting potential customers. By placing your website links in front of genuinely interested individuals, you open the door for them to explore further. While immediate purchases might not occur, they become acquainted with your brand and offerings, setting the stage for future engagement.Sending referral traffic

Let’s discuss not only how links affect your rankings but also their impact on referral traffic. A quality link from a popular website can significantly boost your website’s traffic. Moreover, if it’s from a relevant site, the traffic it brings is likely to be interested in your offerings, potentially leading to increased leads or sales.

Beyond just enhancing SEO, the significance of such links lies in attracting potential customers. By placing your website links in front of genuinely interested individuals, you open the door for them to explore further. While immediate purchases might not occur, they become acquainted with your brand and offerings, setting the stage for future engagement.

3. Brand building:

Efficient link building is an indispensable strategy for bolstering brand recognition and establishing authority within your niche. By leveraging techniques such as content creation, you showcase your company’s expertise and attract attention to your brand. Crafting content enriched with industry data not only elevates your credibility but also fosters engagement and trust among your audience. Through proactive outreach efforts to secure backlinks, you not only demonstrate your knowledge but also encourage industry peers to endorse your brand and amplify its reach.Brand building

In the quest to quantify brand expertise and thought leadership, traditional methods have often fallen short. However, with the introduction of Brand Authority™ by Techssm, brands now have a tangible metric to gauge their influence and impact. By assigning a score on a scale of 1 to 100, Brand Authority™ provides actionable insights into brand equity and its correlation with online visibility. Integrating this metric into your link building strategy empowers you to identify strengths, weaknesses, and strategic focal points to enhance both Domain Authority and Brand Authority, ensuring a comprehensive approach to brand building and recognition.

Combining these key performance indicators can provide a comprehensive insight into your standing and that of your competitors in the industry.


“Receiving links from respected brands and websites is a testament to the trust and credibility your site has garnered.

Running a business has its share of challenges, especially when it comes to fluctuations in organic traffic. We’ve faced our fair share of highs and lows, having to justify our efforts and budget to stakeholders on numerous occasions. Our strategy focused on highlighting the enduring trends rather than seeking quick victories.

Over the past 5 years, our persistent efforts and unwavering vision have translated into an impressive 104% year-over-year growth in organic traffic. This success wasn’t an overnight achievement, but our enduring collaboration continues to propel us to new heights.”

An important note on link building vs. link “earning”:

Before diving into the world of link building, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of having webpages that genuinely deserve attention. While the homepage is a common starting point, the real value lies in specialized content like blog posts, tools, research studies, or captivating graphics. These assets might already be present on your website, or you might craft them with the explicit purpose of attracting links.

This brings us to the essential concepts of link earning and establishing a page’s “deserved ranking.” Every effective link building initiative commences with content that holds intrinsic value. Attempting to build links to mediocre webpages is a challenging task. Conversely, when you kickstart your campaign with genuinely valuable content that resonates with people and is share-worthy, the entire process becomes significantly more manageable. Furthermore, this approach increases the likelihood of organic link acquisition over time, adding an extra layer of authenticity to your link building efforts.



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